
Welcome to the All Saints Academy Catholic School Athletics website. The tradition of Catholic Education has its roots in the mission of the church to reach out to people where they are and to teach Christian values in the context of real life.

It is the mission of our sports program here at All Saints Academy to use these experiences to further the objectives of the church and to form our young men and women into authentic Christians. Our program sets out to accomplish the following goals established by the Belleville Diocese:

  1. To act as a catechist.
  2. To form a community.
  3. To promote Christian sportsmanship.
  4. To develop skills that enable competitiveness.

At ASA, students may participate in basketball, volleyball, bowling, cross country, and track and field beginning in 5th grade, and golf beginning in 7th grade. Our coaches teach the lower grade levels the fundamentals and develop skills to be competitive at the 7th and 8th-grade levels. The sporting environment in our community is a very competitive one. When you and your child make the commitment to participate in athletics at ASA, you are entering this competitive environment. That includes competition with other schools as well as competition within the teams themselves. This competitiveness is part of the nature of sport and integral to the successful enjoyment of any sports program.


Rod Kloeckner

ASA Athletic Director

Athletics offered at All Saints Academy Catholic School

Boys’ Basketball

ASA has boys’ basketball teams for the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. The season runs from the end of October to the end of January.

Girls’ Basketball

ASA has separate girls’ basketball teams for the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. For the 5th- and 6th-grade teams, the season starts in late September and concludes at the end of October. For the 7th- and 8th-graders, the season starts at the end of October and runs through mid-January.

Girls’ Volleyball

ASA has separate girls’ volleyball teams for the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. The season runs from the end of January to the end of March.


ASA offers both boys’ and girls’ track to 5th- through 8th-graders. The season takes place in the spring, starting in April and concluding in early May.

Cross Country

ASA offers cross country to boys and girls in the 5th through 8th grades during the fall. The season starts in late August and concludes in mid-October.


ASA offers bowling to boys and girls in the 5th through 8th grades starting in January. The season runs through mid-March.


ASA offers golf to boys and girls in the 7th and 8th grades during the spring. The season starts in late March and concludes in late April.

2024-2025 Sports Schedules
